Friday, August 31, 2007

Encourage the Watchmen on the Wall

Ingrid at Slice of Laodicea received a letter from a author who was critical of hers and others watchmen ministries. Read the post here. I responded to the post, because it really struck me that this is the thought of so many who profess Christianity. This partially why American Christianity is in its state today. My response:

Love, love, love…The bible talks a lot about love. But the bible talks about the wrath of God and the judgement of God, the HOLINESS of God, the rightoeusness of God, the Sovereignty of God, and more. There is more to God than love. God loves but He hates, too. He hates sin in all forms and He will judge the sin of the world.

Each truth that is spoken on this site and others is spoken in love. If you did not love, you would not care enough to expose the false as false. It was the Lord who directed me to this and other watchmen sites in 2004-2005 as I asked Him for His truth. There were things taught to me that did not seem right, but it was a muddle. He did not let me down and I was able to see the truth through sites like this, with brethren I did not know personally, but who challenged me to seek the Lord for myself and to be a Berean, searching the scriptures to see if what I had been taught were true (Acts 17:11).

God honors His word above His name (Psalm 138:32) and we can’t trifle with it as if it were a light thing. If you are against His word, you are against Him. You cannot even be called “Christian” if the Truth of His word is not highly prized and prioritized in your life before the words of man. We are told to STUDY to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed but who rightly divides the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15). We are not told to believe any and everything that comes in a “Christian” package.

If you call yourself Christian, yet do not believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that no one comes to the Father but through Him (John 14:6); that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ ALONE; and that the Bible is God-inspired (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and is the Truth (John 17:17) then there is a problem. If you teach things that are in DIRECT opposition to the bible but call yourself a Christian, then there is a problem. I could go on and on with a whole list…

We have lost the fear of God and the reverence due Him. Most Christians have been silently tolerating ecumenism and even the grossest forms of apostasy. The phrase for the day is…”Pray for them.” If they are apostate and they reject my Lord, the Lord of Glory, Who is worthy of honor, praise, and blessing above all…should I just pray? God said in Jeremiah 11:14, “So do not pray for this people, or lift up a cry or prayer for them; for I will not hear them in the time that they cry out to Me because of their trouble.” If God in His mercy would hear, then so be it. But as to the wolves who are deceiving, battering, fleecing, and drawing disciples unto themselves…I will warn the people and expose the false prohepts and teachers.

Ingrid, be encouraged. Continue to press forward and YELL the warnings, because if the eyes of just one person is opened to God’s truth because of something you have written about, then Praise God!!! Go after that lost sheep and leave us 99. I thank God for giving you the courage, the strength, and the perseverance to do what you do.

God willing, Carla will explore this site and others, and the Lord will give her understanding, and then she will turn around and warn others of the things she had been blind to before.

To the Watchmen:
Continue to persevere and watch and warn. You are accountable to the Lord, no one else.


Mr. Horton Sr. said...

Sister all I can say is that you are on the money$$$

Rachel said...

amen! :)