Saturday, September 1, 2007

A Brother's Research on Tithing

A brother has done a post on tithing. It's good and I encourage you to read it and be freed from the Law. We should give, yes, but according to where the Lord would have us to give. Jesus has freed us from the law - He fulfilled it on our behave. Don't go back. Pray and seek the Lord for youself on this issue. He will give you understanding.

It was difficult to tear away from what I had been taught about tithing. I felt so conspicuous, like everyone would know and could see that I'm not doing it. I felt guilty. I felt like I was not going to be blessed by God but cursed. I did not know know that Jesus freed me to give where He commands.

After researching for myself, praying, and seeking the Lord for His wisdom, I just give and don't keep track. I also give anonimously at church - I give cash, so they can't keep track either (Matthew 6: 1-4). It is liberating!!

Why do you tithe? Examine your motives. Is it because you think you will be cursed? Is it because you want something in return from the Lord? Is it because this is what you were taught?

Read the post, so you can be liberated, too...


Mr. Horton Sr. said...

Hey sister thanks for the shout out. One day we will meet-if not on earth definitely in heaven. God Bless you sister and I love what you are doing and enjoy reading your insights on scripture-In Christ

jared said...

"It was difficult to tear away from what I had been taught about tithing. I felt so conspicuous, like everyone would know and could see that I'm not doing it. I felt guilty. I felt like I was not going to be blessed by God but cursed."

-My friend, i hope there are thousands more to come that get your same feeling. I felt the same exact way, when i started to see the truth for myself. I had to double check so many times, because i couldn't believe that so much of the church could have been wrong for such a long period of time.

I think the one thing that makes me think about tithing even more is the fact that so many religions, cults, and denominations all agree on it. I don't know about you, but if there's a teaching that everyone actually agrees on, then that's the teaching that i want to get away from as far as possible. For goodness sake we all don't even agree on God.