Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Rest of the Story

Ingrid, at Slice of Laodicea, has a post of a letter from a brother who drove three hours to preach the truth to those who attended a Luis Palau "festival." I like the title of the tract he created: "The Rest of the Story." I remember when Palau came to DC a couple of years ago and my daughter's school advertised and asked parents to take their children. I didn't know about Palau then or about these carnivals and festivals and the like, but the event just didn't seem right, so we did not go. Churches around the US mimick his "festival" and the true gospel of Jesus Christ that includes denial of self and cross-bearing, takes a back seat (like the FAR back seat in a school bus). You have to wade through mountains of face painting, music, freebies, food, games, activities, a half-gospel or a false gospel and may never make it to the truth. The letter is inspiring and the brother stood for Christ even in the face of possible arrest. The rope of persecution is tightening more and more here in the US and God will separate the wheat from the chaff. May He give us the courage to stand. Read the post:


Dead Theologians said...


This is an excellent post. I have blogged about this and preached abot this where I pastor and it seems to be a huge problem. It is the slight of hand thing. Bait them with fun and slip a little "Jesus is your best friend" or "Jesus is your boyfriend" stuff and boom, scores are "saved."


Mr. Horton Sr. said...

Sister you better start writing some stuff!! Don't leave us hanging!!! LOL

Melissa said...

LOL! Something small is coming. I've been reading everyone else's stuff!! :-)