Monday, October 1, 2007

Pastor Dominance

Here is a posting I came across. Very interesting. I agree that the one pastor system is unbiblical. There should be a plurality of elders guarding the flock and teaching. Why go back to a "Moses" model from the Old Testament (OT), when the New Testament (NT) is a better covenant, a better way? Why would anyone want to take on the burden of being the only elder/pastor? And did you know that "pastor" appears ONCE in the NT and that "shepherd"...Ahhh. I'll let you read for yourself!

Pastor is Master, Isn't He - Part 1

1 comment:

Lionel Woods said...

You are correct Melissa. It seems like we our going back to Rome and it's disgusting ways of heiarchy christianity. The black church is worse my sister. Evangelist, Prophet, Psalmist, Master Prophet, and whatever else they can think of.

Hey I have a proposition for you. Tyris and I are going to do a team blog and wanted to extend you an invitation. We love your heart and believe that you can contribute greatly as a female, single mom, and passionate beleiver. What do you say. The name will be urban-theologians, our mission will be to right some heavy stuff, some practical stuff, but definitely some challenging stuff.